Test #2

Test #2

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North Hollywood Park Cleanup

People are afraid to pick up trash now because of Covid. Let's not let our world go by the way side.

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Trash clean up day

Trash was already a problem long before COVID 19 but now it has gotten worse than ever before. Please meet us at the Santa Monica Pier on Saturday ...continue reading

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Highway cleanup

Not sure why people think it is okay to litter but they do. Come out and help us clean up the highway between exit 251 and exit 252

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A Little About Providing Light…

Our Mission Statement

Providing Light aims to help bring positivity and a helping hand to individuals, families, and communities during tragic times by providing a fundraising platform through our website.

Our Aim

Whether a person needs help paying for the funeral of a loved one or someone desires to donate to a complete stranger in their time of need, Providing Light aims to provide an easily accessible, user friendly platform for people to create and donate to a campaign in order raise funds towards the specified cause and help people get through tough times.

Why We Started

Tragedies can be very hard to deal with. We at Providing Light know first hand the emotions that one deals with: anger, sadness and remorse among many others. The best way we have found to deal with such tragedies is to provide a helping hand, bring light to a dark situation, and provide assistance during a tragedy. Thus, we established Providing Light as a web platform in order to allow people to easily donate to beneficiaries during tragic events. We hope to be able to change tens of thousands of lives for the better by giving beneficiaries the opportunity to raise funds crucial to helping them through hard times.

How It Works

The beneficiary simply creates a campaign on our site, shares their campaign with their friends and family, and, by utilizing social media along with traditional communication, the beneficiary can spread awareness of their situation to many individuals that want to donate to their cause. Whether it be a scholarship fund in memory of a young person’s death or a fund set up to help pay for an elderly person’s burial service, Providing Light strives to do just what it’s name says: bring light upon a dark situation.